I Am Who I Am

1960737103Here is where I stand.

I think you should know something about me because we will work together. Here are some of my beliefs.

Black Lives Matter. Abortion is okay. Same-sex marriage is normal. Consensual polygamy and consensual monogamy are great.

Believing in a spiritual world and its healing power is okay. Believing in God is okay. Not being Christian is okay.

Immigrants are not illegal. Fat is beautiful. Having a degree does not make you educated. Degree or not, you are deserving.

The Problem: Greed and Fear vs. Love.

The problem is, in my opinion, that fear leads us to greed. And greed causes so much suffering and oppression. Rich versus poor, White oppressing Black, and Capitalism crushing workers are signs of greed.

I’m not a researcher or a Ph.D., so I don’t have statistics. I am a human with eyes and know more suffering is out there than I have ever seen, and it’s preventable.

Knowing this is the framework from which I work.

1147652576I live, work, and grew up on stolen land.

I grew up in Durango, Mexico. The land stolen from los Tepehuanes, Mexicaneros, Huicholes, Coras y Tarahumaras. I come from Mestizos – you will see it in my skin and eyes. I have a privilege I did nothing to earn; I am lighter.

I live and work in Bodéwadmiakiwen (Potawatomi), Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo), Myaamia, Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, and Peoria land.

You matter!

Race, power, and privilege are vital to me. Fully seeing you is important to me.

Seeing all of you, including your identities and what is different, is important to me. Not assuming is important to me.

I want you to feel welcomed and respected. I won’t shy away from this crucial part of us because your uniqueness matters.

I still hold biases. It’s not your job to teach me. I must do better every day. If you feel gracious to call me out, that is a gift to me that I will hold as a treasure.

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted
in my oppression and denial of my humanity and
right to exists.”

– James Baldwin

I will hold you with compassion and love while we both grow. Still, please call me.

– Me