Online Individual Therapy

1113001184Individual therapy is not what you think.

You might think, “Therapists do nothing but have me answer my questions and write my answers on a notepad. Best job ever!

Individual therapy won’t be like the movies. Maybe I will take a few notes here and there, but that’s it.

I will ask questions for you to answer. But I will also let you know what I think and feel and sit with you as you process your feelings while teaching you strategies to deal with your struggles.

Individual therapy is about going deep into what matters to you, helping you get to the root of your problems so your life can change for the better. You are not paying to answer your questions. You make payments to change the old unhelpful ways and hold to what you can’t change comfortably.

And! Yes! It is the best job ever! Cuz I get to see you in the middle of the storm and when the sun is shining. I LOVE IT!

“I already know what I must do to get better.”

Why do I need a therapist? After all, it’s only about getting out of bed and stopping procrastination and worrying. I only need to stop caring about their thoughts, break that relationship, and stand my ground.”

Let’s be honest. Yes, you know what to do, but something is stopping you. Most of the time, what’s stopping you is more profound than you think, and you need love to help you get through it.

You’re not lazy or crazy. The problem is that you have a lot of unconscious beliefs and expectations holding you down. All those things you have learned along the way are not helping you, but they seem normal. Over a lifetime, those accumulated fears, hopes, and dreams may also stand in the way.

Bullying in the past made it hard to speak up, making you want to be alone or continue as an outcast. Perhaps, you didn’t get what you needed as a child, and now you think people are unreliable, or you think things can go wrong any minute.

Yes, you do need a therapist!

1866888184“Does therapy work? People survived for centuries without it.”

Yes, therapy does work! Ask anyone who has gone to more than three sessions. Therapy is a White European thing. At least, that’s where it started. BUT people have used therapy for centuries.

People had communities, elders, priests, shamans, ministers – all that was therapy. Your grandparents talked to their grandparents. Do you still live around a village with all your aunts, cousins, and respected elders under the same roof?

Today, we are more isolated, independent, and pressured. Life is different, but we still need care, support, and THERAPY.

You are not at fault for seeking therapy.

Wanting therapy doesn’t mean you are crazy, weak, or too much! Also, racism, poverty, and oppression are not your fault (to the extent of your privilege).

But you are responsible for your feelings, actions, and how you emotionally respond to yourself and those around you. If you had an unfair past, no one is coming to rescue you, and you need to do the work yourself – with our help.

You are both fantastic and have the stuff to work on simultaneously. Do it with us.

Sometimes it is fun! Sometimes it is sad! But it is always worth it.

2104979879I am excited to see you in sessions!

Seeing you heal and grow is an exciting moment for me.

Our work together will give you the love and compassion you deserve while challenging when needed.

I am willing to be vulnerable and human with you because that is how we learn to be in healthy relationships with one another.

Seeing you be you and healing through individual therapy thrills me. Let’s work to get you where you want to be. You deserve it!