The Modern World Checklist
Near perfect grades
Made it to fancy company
High profile job that people would kill for
Owns business
Almost perfect work
Have money
Nice car
Nice apartment
Free to be self
Set boundaries
Knows how to manage emotions
Sleep deprived
Need to be perfect
Can’t trust or open up
Fake Instagram smiles
Feeling you do not have enough
You get the picture. This world pressures us and expects us to be, look, and act perfect. EXHAUSTING!
Where are you?
If you checked some of the items above, guilt and shame are the friends your parents told you to avoid. Losing important relationships may be your expertise. Why?
Because it’s hard, you might be carrying the past, the pressure of being the ONLY one in so many ways, your body is out of whack, and you are depressed and anxious. Those feelings happen to all of us at some point.
The worst you can do is face this alone.
Believe me when I say that ignoring how you feel, drinking it away, working it out, losing that weight, and accomplishing your next goal won’t make it disappear. You can’t run away forever.
The answer is to get support, learn skills to manage what’s bothersome, understand the source of your emotions, unlearn the bullshit, learn who you are, and learn to be free, fly light, and fly high.
Sit with us.
Sitting with us sometimes will feel confusing and sad, and you might hate us for sitting with the crap you are trying to escape.
Sitting with us means you won’t be alone; you will feel seen, respected, and celebrated. And if we fuck up and if you feel like granting us the gift of your experience, let us know. We are here because of you.
Sitting with us will look like slowly noticing your boundaries and feelings. You can say no, stay with relationships that help you grow, and let go of those who hurt you.
The reward is feeling proud of being yourself, having compassion when you mess up, and knowing how to manage when shit hits the fan – because it will.
About Me
Moving forward beats going back!
Most people I meet tell me they wish they could be a child again. Well, not me; I do not want to be a child with my experiences again.
Yep! Those experiences made me who I am – a fantastic therapist for you and a strong person. They made me see pain others can’t and be a grateful and a very happy adult, but they were hard.
I am grateful and proud of my ‘We’ (We = me, my family, extended family, and ancestors) who survived migration, deportation, trauma, domestic violence, many losses, bullying, and more. My ‘We’ taught me joy, strength, determination, and community love.
AND, by age 18, I successfully hated my body, and worse, I hated who I was.
Overcoming struggles is worth the effort.
Depression, anxiety, body image issues, perfectionism, broken self-esteem, and inability to stay in loving relationships were my real struggles. No matter all my fancy accomplishments, it was never good enough. And this is where the fun began.
I fought to heal. Many amazing therapists, my loving and supportive family, communities, friends, and partners played a role. Slowly, I saw what I thought was impossible happen.
I began feeling safe and lovable. BUT most importantly, I loved myself. I even trusted someone to marry! WHATTT???
If you relate to what I’ve said, you are not the only one and are not alone. My joy is to walk you through a journey of a life where you love yourself, your relationships, and your life.
I got my MSW from the University of Chicago, which allows me to get paid for what I love doing and for what I am good at. Now, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Illinois and California.
I have been a waiter, an Uber driver, an auditing intern at KPMG, a financial analyst, a Zumba instructor, and a workshop facilitator. I hope I still remember how to walk on stilts, but I learned that, too, because I am curious. Dancing and the summer make me the happiest woman on earth.
My child, whom you might sometimes see in sessions, is Carolina, my plant, which survived the move from California to Chicago winter. Carolina and I are excited to meet you on the screen!