
Anxiety Img 1Anxiety affects your emotional health.

Sometimes, we all feel apprehensive and fearful in various situations.

However, when anxiety stays around, it can wreck your life both mentally and physically.

Let’s listen to some people describe how anxiety felt to them.

Suffering from anxiety makes moving forward difficult.

“I kept thinking about what was best for my future and if I was making the right choices. I had to make decisions, but I could not see the perfect choice for me clearly.” – Ariel

“At 25, I already had a great job and much work. I couldn’t stop thinking about work for a second.” – Juan

“At 29, my anxiety had gotten so bad that I could not focus on any meeting, class, or conversation.” – Amber

1975201310Anxiety creates fear.

“I felt like I was going to die, so I went to the ER. They told me it was a panic attack. I keep having them since that attack.” – Tina

“Did someone forget about global warming, the collapse of the financial system, and potential world war? Hello! So many things could go wrong, and I must stay prepared at all times.” – Martin

“I kept avoiding the lunchroom and the company hangouts. If someone talked to me at work, my mind would go blank.” – Luciano

Relationships suffer from anxiety.

“After investing years into my marriage, it was not working. I kept thinking about what to do, and when I went to bed, I could not sleep or focus. I felt so distracted that I lost my stuff, forgot my kids at daycare, and almost crashed several times.” – Maya

“My relationship was driving me crazy, or I was driving my relationship crazy. I wondered if my partner would leave me and if they loved me. I did not want to annoy them.” – Corey

512601670Anxiety is a bitch.

I disliked anxiety so much. Because it is so draining, exhausting, and stubborn, no matter what you tell it, it does not have common sense and won’t stop.

Sometimes, anxiety surprises you at the worst moments – during a presentation, meeting, or date. For others, anxiety is always there, so it does not let you socialize or build meaningful connections.

Anxiety interrupts your sleep, eating, relaxing, fun, and EVERYTHING!

Headaches, palpitations, stomach sickness – Yep! I said EVERYTHING.

Anxiety does talk to you.

I still dislike anxiety. I mean, who loves the feeling of being on edge, fearful, and like things are going down any minute, all the time?

But I learned that if I am anxious, it is because I care. And caring is not a horrible thing. I did have to learn how to canalize it and use it productively.

I now have an Anxiodometer in my body. I notice when I need to live joyfully despite the anxiety and when I must slow down a bit.

1302585175Why does therapy work?

Anxiety tells you about your dreams, boundaries, and desires. It also feeds you lies and information that is true but not helpful. Anxiety attacks your body, too, and can put you in a flight, fight, freeze situation.

Therapy cracks down, if you are willing, the preventable sources of anxiety sources. If not possible, therapy teaches you how to take control of anxiety and use it productively.

We will install a lie detector in your mind that will help you identify true but not helpful information. In addition, you will receive an odometer to help you put up a good fight.

Most importantly, anxiety feeds off your fear. Therapy teaches you how to enjoy life despite your anxiety. As your joy becomes fuller, anxiety becomes smaller.

You got this! Call me!