
1244709067Can you dance with my darkness?

Will you run away if I truly show you how I feel? Do you want to see me, really see me? Can you tolerate when I am not strong, positive, bubbly, or funny?

These are questions that arise when struggling with depression.

You may be walking the world alone, not physically alone. You are alone because others wouldn’t understand the emptiness and sadness that you carry, and you don’t want to let them see it.

But, if they saw it, this is what they would find.

A page in Alexi’s diary said…

“I woke up, laid there, and stared at my phone for an hour. Why does everyone else seem so happy? I don’t even want to get up, but I have bills to pay, so here I go.

“Again, I stare at that screen and want to cry. I can’t seem to get anything done. Eventually, I do work because getting fired is not an option.

“I do not want to do anything or talk to anyone. What would I say? I am a downer. Nothing is fun anymore.

“What is the point of all of this? Do I even want to wake up tomorrow? I suck.”

2167133041How did Alexis* get here?

The short answer is that he doesn’t know. The long answer is that he has tried so hard and pushed for so long to prove himself to others, but he is having trouble proving it to himself.

He thought that once he got to where he is now, things would feel better like it is supposed to. But it doesn’t.

Alexis doesn’t know if he is on the right path and feels he is not a good enough friend, professional, or partner. In short, he feels like a failure.

Alexis goes to therapy.

“I felt so guilty and ungrateful, but I was not alone. In therapy, I learned that most people get depressed in their lives.

“I was carrying so much and pressured myself while trying to make everyone else happy.

“Having a small list of people to call, plus my therapist and letting it out, made things 100X better.

“Life is no longer so overwhelming, doesn’t suck, and I don’t dread getting up every day. I am glad I went to therapy.”

478461787Be like Alexis and call me!

Alexis’s story is one of many I hear from the clients with whom I work. Depression is not easy. It is a heavy weight on top of you, preventing you from moving.

You might have lost a loved one, hate your job, feel lost, or are going through a breakup. All these issues are good reasons to ask for help.

Be like Alexis and call me for support. Let’s crack that depression down.

*Name changed to protect client’s confidentiality.